We are Ethiopian Traceable

Green Coffee Suppliers

About Us

We are legally registered green coffee exporters in Ethiopia under the name of Secofet Trading PLC. Secofet joined the coffee industry in 2020, eying the potentials in the sector. As coffee is the primary agricultural export of the country and is the livelihood of millions of farmers behind, we do our business professionally and sustainably to contribute the best the coffee value chain requires.
Secofet mainly focuses on supplying specialty coffee, but we also export commercial coffees on demand.
Currently, we are sourcing our coffee from Gedeo and Sidama regions, the well-known coffee-producing regions of Ethiopia producing Yirgacheffe and Sidama coffees respectively. However, shortly, we have plans to offer all known Ethiopian Arabica varieties.
As our farmers and customers are our greatest assets, we believe that our core values of integrity can make us reliable partners.


Gurdshola, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia


